Jul 6, 2008

4th of July Camping

We went camping over the 4Th of July. It was so great to see all of our old friends that we have not hung out with in a while. Skyler did alright for his first camping trip ruffing it. It was a little hard on him because before we left for our trip he had his 2 month check up. Yup, that's right 2-months and I'm sure any person knows that means he gets his first set of shots... The doctor says that he is doing great. He now weighs 12 lbs 7 oz and is 23.5 inches long. He is growing so much. I love his smiles and when you kiss him on the lips he has started slipping you the tongue. WATCH OUT LADIES!! He has the biggest blue eyes ever. Drew calls them Bud-light blue- But, while we where up camping Skyler did spike a little bit of a fever while we where there but handled him self really well.
While, we where up camping one morning a tree outside of our tent fell down. The wind was blowing and the top of a big pine tree fell about 7 feet away from our tent. They say that you only see or hear that once in a lifetime.. There where so many mesquites up camping that I came home with about 21 bites and drew about 15- Skyler was in his protective net the whole time so he was safe.. but, he did get his first sun burn. I keep him covered in sun screen.. but I guess not good enough.. I hope he will forgive me... poor little guy.. I felt really bad.


Josh and Nat said...

I'm dreading those shots... I think I'm gonna make Josh take her! Looks like you had fun camping.. you are BRAVE!