Mar 15, 2009

Cousin Maddox's 1st Birthday

My Cousin that I grew up with, Marti had her little boy, Maddox 1 month and 8 days before we had Skyler! Well, he turned 1 yesterday! It was the cutest little birthday party. She had it all decorated in turtle themed. It so so much fun to watch our boys play together. Maddox got out a ball and Skyler and him where playing ball together. It was funny because it was little the baby Derby who got to the ball the fastest as they threw it. When we first got there Skyler found a girl friend.. She was about 3 months older then him, but he keep going up and petting her face and laughing. Boy, am I in trouble if he is already after the ladies! Happy birthday Maddox! Thanks for the fun time!!


Merrills said...

Hey Randi how are you doing? How is the Fort? Your Skyler is way cute its fun that he has a cousin close to his age. Hey I tried to add you so you can view my blog but I am not sure if it worked you should email me your home email so I can add you again...