Apr 11, 2008

The Walking Time Bomb!

So, yesterday we went to the doctor's again... and this week we did not progress at all! But, I figure it is ok because Skyler is just like his mom and wants to make sure she gets her to-do list done before he gets here. One of those things is to go on 2 dates with my HUSBAND!! So, tonight we are going on a date. Drew is taking me out to dinner then to the U2 light show. I'm very excited because we have not had just us time in a while and if we dont get it now.. when will we?


**Cunningham's** said...

NEVER!! just kidding you just have to make time for you and drewsie. It is super hard but you can't let them change your life too much you just have to incorporate them into the one you're already living and remember to pay attention to Drew too. Sometimes I forget because I'm so busy with my little man. :) Can't wait to meet him.

The Brownings said...

Hooray! I am so excited for you! I can't wait for you to be a mommy! It is so much fun!