Apr 29, 2008


Well, I'm sure you all know that Little Skyler Modahl join our family on April 22nd at 10:30 am. He weighed 6 pound 15 oz and was 21 inches long. We had some issue with bring him into the world because his cord was wrapped around his neck twice and his little arm. So, every time I had a contraction his heart rate would drop. But, he finally made it here! And is as cute as a button.

Skyler came down with a bad case of jaundice while in the hospital and had had to be under tripe billy lights when he was not out for feedings. It was really hard because his levels where still high and he could not go home with Drew and myself and had to stay in the hospital. But, we do have him home now and he is doing great!! I think he has my nose, Drew's chin and toes. He loves kisses and is the best little guy!

Allie is having some issue with him but today was the first day that she has warmed up to him. She loves to snuggle up against him and give him kisses. I love having him here and think he is the greatest addition to our family!


Kimberly Kidman said...

Soooooo Cute I am super happy for you guys. I can't wait to see him in real life!

The Brownings said...

He is absolutely adorable! I am so excited that you get to experience the wonders of a little baby boy! Congrats!

Jessarella said...

He is adorable! I can't wait to meet the little guy. Enjoy every moment, they grow up too fast!
Glad to hear you are all doing great. If you are anything like me, you wont be able to set the camera down.
Hugs and kisses to all 3 of you, from all 4 of us!

**Cunningham's** said...

Oh Radio he is absolutely perfect!!! I can't wait to come and see him so I can squeeze his thighs. I'm so glad everything is going good now with him. Love you!y

the larsons said...

Skyler is so gorgeous!! I seriously can't wait to meet him!!! I am so bummed that I am still sick! We are just so happy for you guys...and we are glad that everything is going well now! We love you!!!!

BJ, Jess and Ty!

the larsons said...

Randi!!! Ty keeps telling me that he needs to meet his new best friend! I think we are finally feeling better... is there a day soon that we can come by and see you, drew and skyler?? Let me know! Love your guts!!