Sep 1, 2008

Skyler could be a stunt devil!!

Skyler and his dad having way to much time on there hands!

OK, I know I have not posted in a very long time but we have been super busy... Skyler is getting so big. He is 4 month old! It's crazy to think that this time last year I just found out that I was going to be a Mommy for the first time. Skyler is trying to sit up on his own. He is so close, he will sit there for like 2 seconds and fall over! He has also tried really hard to roll over. He will grab his feet and grunt until he rolls to his right. He has not figured out left yet. What a big boy. I have also noticed that he has gotten his first freckle. Ya, That is something he gets from his mom!

This past weekend Drew and I got to go out to the dunes and be grown-ups! Not mommy and daddy! It was so nice. My mom watched Skyler, Allie and Gator for us. She had a full house! Bless her heart! It was cute, I would call my mom and check on Skyler everyday we where gone and she would tell me cute stories that her and my dad where doing to Skyler. My dad made him a card board car and drives him around the house in it. Skyler thinks he is a pimp!! When we went to pick him up today, he saw me and just started crying so hard. I don't know if it was a mad cry or a "oh my gosh.. I missed you cry" I'm just going to think that he missed me. Thanks mom and dad! You guys are the best!

These are pictures I took of Skyler trying to sit up... He is going... going.. gone!


**Cunningham's** said...

Oh man I need to come and see little Sky guy! He is almost bigger than Kohen. I went to Kohen's 6 months appointment and he is in the 25% of almost everthing. ahh!

The Brownings said...

Randi, he is just so adorable! I saw your post and thought-4 months already!! Time does fly-but it is always so much fun to watch them grow and try new things! Yeah for Skyler!