Nov 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

Hello... Trick or Treat.. Is anyone there?? Skyler went Trick or Treat for the first time! He went and saw all the people that he loves and that love him!
Great Grandma and Grandpa Tyler and Aunt Peggy
(Grandma and Grandpa gave Skyler his first Candy bar..
to bad dad helped eat it) Love you and miss you

Aunt Nicki gave Skyler a Big Halloween basket! She is so nice,
We love you aunt Nicki!

Grandma and Grandpa Modahl!! I love you guys

Grandpa Brad did not like the treat I left him in my
Diaper! Love you Grandpa Brad!


Kimberly Kidman said...

Holy Cow! that picture of Skyler on the porch is priceless! I love it he is too cute!