Feb 20, 2009

I have the cutest baby boy..(at least I think)

It's been a really busy week and I have not been able to post this cute story but I had too because I thought it was so cute.
So, On Sunday I still was not feeling very good because of my root canal that I had so I decided I was going to take a nap and Skyler was going to join me. We slept about 2 hours together then Skyler started moving around and decide it was time for him to get up. I felt him set himself up and I looked at him and he still had his binky in his mouth just looking around and doing his normal grunts, so I closed my eyes because he was OK, then I felt something pushing up against my lips.. It was his binky! Skyler decided because I was still sleeping that he wanted to share his binky with him mom. At least that is what I think..


The Brownings said...

Well, if it helps him sleep better he must have thought it would help you sleep better! What a sweet boy to share with his mama!