Feb 3, 2009

Jameson's Here!!


My best friend Brittany and her husband Aj had there baby! Jameson was born January 31st @ 9:23 am. He weighed 8lbs. 14 oz and was 21.75 inches long! Brittany had a very tuff time getting him here. She was in labor for 18 hours and 7 of that was hard labor but he did not want to come out so he was brought in c-section. Brittany was a trooper threw out the whole things and Aj was very supportive! We are so glad that Jameson is here safe and sound!

Proud Aunt Randi!!!

What a cute family!! Congrats guys!


Kimberly Kidman said...

What a cutie, with those three boys the ladies better look out what a crew! Ty, Skyler, Jameson.