Jun 6, 2008

Good bye stay at home mom!

My two babies!

So, today is my last day of being a stay at home mom! I'm going back to work starting Monday! I'm excited to go back to work because I LOVE my job so much! but I'm also sad because I'm going to miss my two cute babies! It really has been fun spending so much time with Skyler. He has started this new obsession with ceiling fans. He will stop everything he is doing if a ceiling fan is going. Also, on a sad note.. He has a little hernia.. His belly button in not in anymore it's out. His intestines are pushing it out because his ab mussels have not formed yet. But the doctors is 99% that is will fix itself. I'm also really thankful for the people that are going to be watching Skyler while I go back to work. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday grandma crazy (my mom) is going to be watching him.. and Allie might be going over there some of the times too. On Tuesday and Thursday Brittany will be watching him.. but, I don't know how long that will last because she is expecting her own little bundle of joy too and I don't want it to be to much stress on her. But on the positive side Drew's dad and Daylane want to take him on Thursdays! So, we will talk to them and work out the details because they live an hour away and that is so far for them to travel. But the things grandparents do for there grandchildren!


Josh and Nat said...

Oh my gosh Randi he is so dang cute! You guys make the cutest babies... We will definately need to have these two date! I should call you and hear what you have been doing to see if I can be a better mom in any way! Josh and I are both sleep deprived and I'm a grouch, but hopefully things will get better. I can't believe our little Lilly is already 2 weeks old. We need to get together and see each other's babies. So let us know when you and Drew are free and we will go to dinner or something. Your family picture is adorable! Talk to you soon...
Love, Natalie and Josh