Apr 22, 2009

A birthday message from Skyler!

Me.. One year ago today! Boy, was I yellow!
Wow! Today I turned 1. You know they say the first year is the hardest year and boy where they wrong! I have figured it all out. When I cry, I get a bottle/food, my bum changed, my binky or loves. I get carried almost every where I go. I never have to worry about bathing myself and best of all I get to play on the floor with all these super cool toys and don’t have to worry about cleaning up my mess! Man, do I have it made!

I have learned a lot in the last 3 months. I’ve got this crawling thing down pack. I like to run away from mom and dad when they are chasing me. It’s a very fun game. I’m trying to walk but I can’t. I get scared when ever I let go of what ever is helping me walk. One time I did it and I hurt my head. I have discovered BIG people food and boy do I love it! Good bye Gerber hello hot dogs!

One of my favorite pass times is watching the movie CARS! It keeps me so entertained. I watch it every day! Mom says that she “loves” that movie too. Another favorite pass times is playing with my dogs. They really don’t play back unless we are playing the jumping off the bed / couch / stairs game. I push them off and they get right back on and we start all over again! I laugh every time. Over Easter, my mom and dad took me to this place with a lot of sand. I guess it’s called the sand dunes. I got to ride on a 4-wheeler with my dad and I smiled the whole time. I think I’m going to like it there if we ever go back. The sand tastes really good too!

Until next time,
Love Skyler-