Jun 28, 2009

Skyler's first demo derby!

Last night we took Skyler to his first Demolition Derby! Yes, Drew and I love them and it's time to expose Skyler to so white trash! He had so much fun and would laugh every time the car's would crash into each other! They had a lightening McQueen car and he got so excited! Welcome to the world of demo Derby's Skyler!!
Me and my family!
Me and My Lil' Munch!
Crazy Uncle Darin and Me!
Lighting McQueen car

Danielle's Bridal Shower

So, one of my best friends that I have had since I was in 7th grade, well, she is getting married! She lives in Illinois and came out this weekend so we could give her a bridal shower! It was so good to see her, her family, and old friends from high school! It was alot of fun because all of us got to sit and talk about old times in high school and all the crazy things we did!
My mom, Jackie, Me, Danielle and my sister
Danielle, Andi, Jackie and me

Jun 26, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

Wednesday was my 27th birthday! Too me, I think it was the best birthday I have ever had! I got to go to lunch with one of my really good friends Jessica and her son Cooper! It was so good to see her and catch up! Both Drew and I took a half day and went to go see Transformers 2! I loved it! I thought it was better then the first one. It was really cute because Drew keep surprising me with a gifts threw out the day! The one I got at the movie was a gift card to Old Navy!

Then, we went to my mom's for dinner. When I got to my mom's I opened the door and saw Skyler holding the cutest sign ever and smiling so big! It made my day! Drew and Skyler then surprised me with concert tickets to Kenny Chesney in July!! So, pumped!! Skyler helped Grandma make a cake and he had icing everywhere! But he did a great job! My mom and dad got me an awesome vacuum that I'm really excited about using, it will be perfect for the trailer too! Also, thanks sis for the great gifts too! xoxo

Before we left my mom's, Drew said that I had one more gift and I don't get it until Thursday.. I got home Thursday night and he blind-folded me and put me in the car and drove. I was so turned around. We finally got to our destination and he had me get out of the car, still blind-folded walked me into a place and had me open my eyes... As you can see, I got a tattoo- I had always wanted to get 4 stars on my foot but was always scared and never followed threw with it! Well, Drew made me this time! Babe, thank you so much for making my birthday so special and going out of your way to surprise me! You are the best and I could not ask for a better husband! xoxo

My birthday was great, but it could not be all glam, when we got home from my mom's on Wednesday, Darin had noticed that there was something wrong with Allie. We had to take Allie into the emergency vet! Her left leg is dead. It just gets dragged behind her as she walks. She can't go up or down stairs, get up on the couch or the bed! The vet said that she has a slipped disk in her lower back that has made her left leg nerve go numb. It will heel itself but we just have to wait. But the vet did say that it will take her about a month to get back to normal! Drew and I are pretty upset because she is our first baby and it's hard for her to struggle threw something like this and get so discourage with herself. It's really sad when the left leg, that she can't feel trips her back right leg and she falls over! But, she is still a trouper and still keeps trying!

We love you Turd and hope you get better soon! xoox

Jun 23, 2009

Happy Father's Day Dad!

Dad- I think that you are the most AWESOME dad that I could ever ask for! We have so much fun together. You play ball with me. You give me tickles that make me laugh so hard that I wet my diaper. You play in the sand with me out at the dunes. When you pick me up from grandma's house you talk to me all the way home. You always tuck me into bed at night because you know that you wont see me in the morning. You comfort me when I'm sad or hurt. You entertain me the best way you know how, but best of all you help mommy out with me when she is ready to call it quits!! You are the best dad that anyone could ask for! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY-

Love, Your Lil' BubbA

Jun 14, 2009

Fun, Fun things we have been up too!

Here are just some fun pictures that I have taken over the last week of my fun lil family-

Skyler & Allie finally have made a connection. Normally, Allie wants nothing to do with Skyler, but ever since Allie found out that Skyler LOVES kisses, they are best friends! It's about time Allie got off her pitty-party!

Skyler has turned into a blanket baby!! I got him a Lighting McQueen pillow/blanket set and he loves to carry around his new red blankey.

Yes, This is the father of my son... And yes I do love him!

We went to our friends Matt & Jenny's for a BBQ and all the "big" boys got to play as well as the "lil" boys! It was a fun night so see everyone!

Skyler got a swing for his birthday that we have not put up yet but Drew want to see how he liked it and hung it in the garage. I think once we get it up, he will like it alot!

Jun 8, 2009

Rain wont stop us!

The rain did not keep us away! Yesterday we went to the Air show up at hill air force base. Our friends, Brittany, Aj and Jameson came with us. We got up there about 10-ish and it was raining so hard, but we thought, we have blankets, umbrellas, coats and stroller covers that we will be set! Ha, we where wrong. Brittany, myself and the babies lasted for like 10 mins and we where done. So, we went back to the truck and waited for the boys to go look at planes. Jameson and Skyler had so much fun pretending to drive. About 45 mins later the rain let up and the boys came back. Hill air force base was still going to do the air show!! The sun came out it was not to hot.. it was perfect!! We also had our friends Bj, Jessica and Ty met us up there. They where lucky and missed the rain!

Skyler was really excited at first and loved the first plane that went (which was my favorite) The he got really pissed at the noise and went to sleep. What a party pooper... He missed the whole air show! I'm really surprised that Skyler did not wake up because some of the planes that came by where really loud.

Playing in the truck til dad and uncle Aj get back.

Skyler all bundled up loving the air planes and all the people! What a cheese ball!

Bj, Jess and Ty! What a cute family!

Aj, Brittany and Jameson. Thank for coming with us!!

This was my favorite guy! He was awesome. And did so many tricks.

4 big planes that I have no clue what they are..

A fly by bombing