Jan 22, 2009

I'm 3/4 a year old!

What’s up everyone:

It’s my time to post about me! So, I’m finally ¾ a year old! I’m getting so independent and I'm loving it. I can’t figure out this crawling business and it's making me mad. I keep getting stuck on my one leg and bounce back and forth. I have just figured out that I can use my arms to pull myself up on things. My favorite thing to do is pull myself up on my crib. I gave mom a great scare with that one day, it was pretty funny! I have also figured out that I have a voice. I love to hear myself talk. One of my favorite pass times is sitting on the floor playing with my toys; boy do I have a lot of them. Well, everyone I’m hoping that I finally figure our how to move on my own very soon and talk to everyone soon.

Enjoy my pictures!!
Love, Skyler!


The Brownings said...

What a stud! I love the one with him in the white shirt-very GQ!

the larsons said...

Look at that little man!! What a RoCkStAr!! Pinch his cheeks and give him lots of kisses from us:) Lets get together and play soon.

Merrills said...

oh my goodness what a stud! He is super cute Randi.