Jul 24, 2009

Kenny Concert!

Last night we went to Kenny Chesney!! I honestly think it was the best Kenny concert that I have been too EVER!!! It was held at the Rio Tinto, best out door concert! There where so many people there it was crazy! The concert started at 5:30 and did not end until 11. I think that best of the concert was then end when he rocked out too 5 - non- Kenny songs!! It was super hot and I turned into a sweat ball, but it was still worth it.
Hottie Kenny!

Me and my Big Sisser! xoxo. love ya, sis
Some Crazy, drunk I found at the concert!! Ü


**Cunningham's** said...

First of all, Kenny Chesney is gay...He likes dongs, that's all I'm going to say about that. But now for the serious part... I was looking at your cute face and thought, 'has she lost weight she looks good!!' Then I read down your blog and read about your diet... I'm so proud of you!! You look so freaking good!!!!!!!! That's all, I miss your skinny face. That first picture of you and Drew is so cute. You are HOT.

the larsons said...

Kenny rocked!! It was good to see you (even if it was from across the stadium!!) I am so glad you guys had fun:) XOXO~