May 4, 2009

Allie and Gator get exposed to the Dunes

What cute lil kids! This weekend Drew and I went out to the dunes! Since we got our new trailer we want to be out there as much as we can! My mom offered to take Skyler for us so we could introduce Allie and Gator to the trailer and the dunes. They have never been out there before so I was really worried about how they would be. But they did FREAKING AWESOME! I was so impressed with them! They had so much fun! Allie is a little scared of the 4- wheelers but Gator acted like he ran the show and was always over hanging with the boys! Except that he did get bit by a red ant! :( poor Gator! Thanks for being such great kids Allie and Gator!! Next time- all 3 kids!

Tired Kids!

Drew and I had alot of fun this weekend. I got some really good riding time in this time and I'm starting to feel a little bit more comfortable with riding! That makes Drew happy!! It was a great time because Drew's dad and Daylane and her kids came out with us and they are starting to really get into "dun-in It's awesome! Thanks for coming with us guys! We love ya!